Feb 22, 2013


I am giving birth to this blog for many reasons.  The main reason is because I have an intense love for writing.  It’s been a hobby of mine since I was very young.  I would write in my diary, write poems, and attempt to write songs and even stories.  I thrived in English class and I enjoyed essays while others found it a chore.  Writing was always the best way for me to express my emotions.  I can’t tell you how many times a piece of paper and pen were my best friends.  Now, I no longer rely on the pen and paper – it is now me and the keyboard.
I’ve started blogs and never felt like “this is it”.  It was probably because I was not as inspired as I have been in the last year.  I always felt my writing wasn’t as good as other people or the fact that I felt insecure about what others would think of my passion of writing and judge me by my words.  Even though the fears and insecurities are still there, I’m pushing myself to go back to what I love.
I have been awaken by a new world this past year.  My main mission in this life is to inspire others, in whatever way that I can.  I feel like this could be my calling.  I feel it in my heart, I feel it in my thoughts and I feel it deep down in my soul. 
The Gentlewoman Evolution has been created.  The title may sound superficial but that’s not what my vision is for this blog. 
Gentlewoman: dame: a woman of refinement
What stuck out to me was the word refinement.  Refinement is the process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance.  It is the improvement of clarification of something by the making of small changes.
This blog will be my gentlewoman evolution – my growth in becoming a better person and following my passion for all things that I love.  It is also my hopes that others will be inspired along the way.
It won’t just be sappy inspiration or motivation, but also everything that I love: faith, fashion, books, music, food, fitness, motivation and exploration.
I’m so excited to get started.   I’m standing on the ground looking up at the mountain and I'm so excited to get to the other side.