May 30, 2013


I found a new cosmetic line called "Flower", which was created by Drew Barrymore.  The beauty line is sold exclusively at Wal-Mart and prides itself in being an affordable line with luxury cosmetic ingredients.  All products are made in the USA and are NOT tested on animals, which I appreciate and respect.  Flower cosmetics has no advertising, which is probably why you haven't heard of it.  The reason why they haven't done any advertising is to keep cost of their products low, which benefits you and me. (Thumbs up)  I heard about Flower cosmetics via YouTube from one of my favorite YouTube gurus, DulceCandy.  After I watched her blog, I decided to search this product line.    One of the things that sold me right away was that the foundation was paraben free.  Jackpot!!!!  There are not many foundations or cosmetic products for that matter that are paraben free.

One of the best things about YouTube is that you can search any product and there are several beauty gurus who give you honest first impressions and reviews of each product.  After seeing that most products were loved, I decided I had to go out and try it out - and that's exactly what I did.

I'm not the biggest fan of Walmart.  It's because almost every Walmart that I've been to is messy and the customer service, in my opinion, is always mediocre or just plain horrible.  I have a Walmart close to my home, so I went there, and just as expected, the selection was scarce, only because customers had opened several of the products to test on their hand and put back.  Everything was in the wrong place and several items were sold out or used and tossed back.  I went in with the desire to purchase the foundation stick, which is referred to as the Skin Cognito.  They were out of my shade, so I opted for the liquid foundation, which to my surprise was a good size and had a pump.  I snagged two lip colors, one lip butter and one creme blush.

Overall I'm satisfied with the products.  I can see myself using the foundation daily and I loved the lip butter and lip sticks.  I will probably purchase other products to test them out and see how well I like them.

I was trying to upload some pictures of the products, but my iPad is acting up.  If you are interested in learning more about these products, visit Flower Beauty's website at FLOWER BEAUTY COSMETICS or you can visit one of the following YouTube guru videos.  Enjoy!  And if you happen to purchase, I'd love to hear your feedback.



May 28, 2013

20/20 Experience

So it's been a while, I have been missing in action.  I have to say I was dealing with a sick child one week and last week I was just in a "blah" mode.  I will get back on track by saying I finally did it!  I finally got my Lasik procedure done.  I know, I know - you are probably thinking everyone has Lasik now.  Well, I was one of those that didn't.  I was fine sticking to my contacts and glasses because well I was just a little chicken  at the thought of having surgery on my eyes.  I truly believe bumps in the road happen to get us to step out of our comfort zone and get on another level of education and self awareness.  About a month ago, I woke up, took a shower and attempted to put my contacts on - which didn't happen.  My right eye was severely red and each time I tried to put my contact on, my eye would sting intensely.  I ended up having to wear my glasses that day and the next day when the pain wouldn't go away, I ended up making a doctor's appointment.  So come to find out I had an ulcer on my eye.  Yes, an ulcer.  I didn't even know you could get ulcers on your eyes.  I had to get a prescription for antibiotic drops which I had to put on my eyes for a week until my ulcer went away.  My ulcer, who we named Ursula, thanks to my sis in law, was the bump in the road which led me to finally getting Lasik.  While at the eye doctor, it was noted that I had been wearing contacts for 17 years!!!  That is an extremely long time.  That was my final wake up call, my ah ha moment that made me realize it's time.

My procedure took place on Friday, May 24th at 10:40 AM. I started getting butterflies while I was waiting, but the Valium they gave me took those nerves away and calmed my butt down. I had trouble with my left eye, so they had to attempt about 4-5 times to get the first part down, so I did get some bruising, but it should be gone in about two weeks. I was able to see almost immediately and by that evening I was able to see clearly.  By my follow up appointment on Saturday morning, the doctor said I was at 20/20.  How amazing is that?  I'm still in awe that I am able to see this clearly without the use of contacts and glasses.  I'm filled with gratitude that God gives humans the ability to have this knowledge and technology to give people the gift of sight.  I'm completely in awe and I'm truly grateful.

This procedure is just one thing to knock off my list of improving myself for this year.  I think it's not only important  to take care of ourselves from the inside but from the exterior as well.  I'm so happy I got this procedure done and I encourage anyone who is interested to go for it!!!!  It's amazing!!

May 6, 2013

Fatherless Sons/Daughters - It affects us all

Oprah did a two part series called Fatherless Sons this weekend.  It opened my eyes to some of the pain that is caused on children whose fathers decide to leave.  I never knew what it was like not to have my dad or my mom around because they have always been present in my life.  And although I've had that stability in my life, at the age of 26 I did get a glimpse of the pain children feel when one of their parents decides to leave.  

The first time I ever felt like I wasn't good enough in that sense was when I met my biological grandmother at her funeral in November of 2010.  My biological grandmother gave up my mother to her sister when my mom was born.  Luckily, I wasn't stripped away from having a grandmother because I did have a grandmother.  Although, biologically she wasn't - she was there for me the way any grandmother would be. I always knew that my mom's mother gave her up, but I never put it together to even think that my grandma wasn't my "real/biological" grandma.  Maybe it was because I was young, or maybe I just didn't see it any other way.  I still don't.

When I attended my biological grandmother's funeral, I felt cheated out of a relationship and I also felt unwanted.  I couldn't understand how this woman would give up on my mom.  I couldn't understand how this woman deprived herself out of a wonderful daughter who accomplished so much and had 7 children who she had no memories with.  I never met this woman before her funeral.  She didn't know me.  She never wanted to know me.  I didn't know her and I don't know if I would have wanted to know her.  I'll admit there was some anger, not just for myself but for my mother.  My mother is the apple of my eye and I just couldn't see how her own mother wasn't there for her.  Seeing the pictures of her was like seeing my mother.  They looked exactly the same. 

I wish I could ask you "Why?"
Being a mother myself, I don't understand how mothers can just give life to a child and just turn away.  I just don't get it.  You would have to kill me to separate me from my daughter.  My daughter is my life, my heart and the most precious gift God has ever given me.  To take a blessing like that and turn away does not make sense to me.  I don't think it ever will.

After that day, I didn't have those feelings anymore.  It was in the moment that all the feelings came tumbling down over me and I just realized that I fell victim to having a biological grandparent who never wanted anything to do with me.  Maybe I would have felt worse if I hadn't grown up with a grandma relationship - I don't know.  What I do know is that I admire my grandmother for not only loving and accepting me like her own, but for taking in my mom and doing the same for her.  I would later realize that I was placed on this Earth to do the same task.

I think it was around that time - maybe earlier or even a little later that I had these feelings come up again.  I don't want to bash anyone who reads this and thinks I'm being negative, I just want to give my truth to how these things affect us all.  

Most people who are close to me know that my husband has two fathers.  One fathered him and one raised him.  I don't want to put any words on what or how this affected Chris because that is his own story to tell, but I will share my story on how this has affected me:

My daughter has two grandfathers who spoil her, adore her, and take part in her life daily.  What saddens me is that Mia doesn't have her biological grandfather in her life.  I know most of this has to do with Chris not having a typical father son relationship with his biological dad, but the relationship Chris and his biological dad have is separate to the relationship his biological dad and my daughter should have.  I would think a grandfather would make an attempt to see his granddaughter, but in this case, it's not there.  That's when momma bear mode kicks in and I get upset and I realize this man doesn't really care about having a relationship with my daughter, or at least that is the impression he gives me.  It saddens me and upsets me because another person's decision has affected my daughter.  She'll probably never have that relationship with him.  What soothes my heart is knowing that another man, who is not blood related has stepped up and not only taken the grandfather role, but boasts with pride in being the best grandpa he can be.  I don't dwell on it at all unless it's brought up. The way I see it Mia's not really missing out on anything because she has her two grandpas who love her and will do anything for her.  For me, it's the other way around, she's not missing out, but he is.  My only fear is that she'll see him one day and have the same feelings I had with my biological grandmother.  Feeling cheated out of a relationship and wondering why.

Thank you Honey for raising Chris and my kiddos like your own.  You are extraordinary!!!!!
For the record, I don't have any ill feelings towards anyone.  I love Chris' biological dad, after all, without him, Chris wouldn't be here, but there are just some decisions that he has made that I'll never understand.

Please check out the following videos regarding Oprah's two part show, "Fatherless Sons".  I hope it gives you some insight and hopefully healing if you are a fatherless child.