Apr 30, 2013

Just For Fun

13 : Personal Tag Questions

1. What do you order at Starbucks? Most of you know this already. I'm a big Chai freak. Most of the time I'll just order a Tall Nonfat Chai Latte. During the winter I love getting all their seasonal stuff: Peppermint Mocha is my favorite. During the fall I always get the Pumpkin Spice. :)

2. What's one thing in your closet that you cannot live without? This is hard to narrow down. I would probably say my collection of blazers. It always spices up any outfit - dressy or casual.

3. What's one thing that most people probably wouldn't know about you? When I was little I was determined I was going to be a singer. My parents bought me a karaoke machine and they also bought me a microphone stand at Traders Village. I would pretend I was putting on a concert and sing my heart out. I would also have to say that I have NO singing skills at all. That dream went no where rather quickly. My biggest inspiration was Selena and I wanted to sing and dance just like her. I would study the way she sang, her moves and I would play her music and do a whole "show" to it. I have a copy of Selena's last concert at the Houston Astrodome and I always tell Chris, "One day, when I'm drunk enough, I'll put it on and do the entire concert." I know every word, every hand movement and every dance move. Word.

4. Name one thing that you want to do before you die. Fulfill God's purpose for my life.

5. What's one food that you cannot live without? Chicken! That's pretty much all I eat. I try to avoid red meat as much as possible.

6. What quote/phrase do you live your life by? "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - This is always my go to - especially during my runs when I feel like I can't go on.

7. Who is your biggest inspiration? God, my parents, my brother and Oprah

8. What's your number one most listened to song on iTunes? I really don't use iTunes anymore. I'm all about Spotify. Currently my favorite song is Punching in a Dream by The Naked and the Famous. I also can't get enough of Selena Gomez's new song, "Come and Get it". lol

9. What kind of style would you define yourself as having? I hate to pinpoint myself to just one style because I stay open to creating my own looks, following trends, classic, sleek, adventurous. It just depends on the occasion and my mood. I'm open to any look.

10. Favorite number 25

11. Two hobbies: Blogging Fitness (running and yoga) and can I add reading and shopping in there?

12. Two pet peeves: I absolutely hate when people smack when they eat. Drives me insane. It also bugs me when people chew gum loudly and pop their gum over and over. Grrrrrr!

13. Guilty Pleasure: Key lime pie from Big Shucks - so freakin' good!

Apr 29, 2013

March for Babies

This was my first year participating in the Dallas chapter March for Babies which was held Saturday, April 20th at 9AM at White Rock Lake.  This event was bigger than what I imagined.  There were several families, children and little babies at this event. March for Babies is the largest fundraiser of the year for the March of Dimes Foundation. March for Babies is held in more than 900 communities across the nation. Every year, 1 million people—including 20,000 company teams, family teams and national sponsors—participate in the event, which has raised more than $1.8 billion since 1970. Seventy-six cents of every dollar raised in March for Babies is spent on research and programs to help prevent premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality.

When we passed the start line, my sister had tears in her eyes.  She said she was so emotional.  It was a great sight.  Cheerleaders on the sides, a band playing, people walking - it was an incredible sight and feeling. 

For me seeing all these people was very touching, for my sister I know it was comforting knowing that her and her husband were not alone.  There were so many people that either were parents of a preemie, lost a child, or were family members and friends. To see such a mixture of people from all walks of life come together because they all shared a similar story is magnificent to me.  

I'm proud of you sister and your work in helping spread news on this foundation as well as fundraising and reaching over $1,000 in your first year.  Aliana will also be very proud knowing you have made a difference. I'm happy to have shared this moment with you.  

Apr 26, 2013

Draw My Life - Inspiration to start your weekend

One of my favorite beauty gurus is Dulce Candy.  I found her blog a while back and I just became hooked.  I love her beauty channel on YouTube as well.  Not only is she beauty and fashion inspiration, but she is also the person who inspired me to read, "The Magic".  (One of the books that changed my life.)  I love how she is so positive and how literally started from the bottom and now she's one of the top beauty guru's on YouTube and is a successful Latina business woman!  I urge you to take 20 minutes to watch this video because it is so inspirational!  

Blog: http://dulcecandy.com/

Apr 25, 2013

Magic Dust Everyone

Day 10

Saying thank you isn't very common these days.  It irks me when people don’t say thank you.  It’s manners people!!!!  Aside from having manners, giving thanks to people is vital in improving your life!  Think about all the people you encounter on a typical day who provide you with some kind of service, like those working in stores or restaurants, customer service people, cleaners, or the staff at your work.  The people who work in service are giving themselves to serve you, and you’re receiving their service.  If you don’t say thank you in return for their service, then you are not being grateful and you’re stopping the good from coming into your life. 

Think of it as sprinkling magic dust on people.  Let them know you are grateful – it seriously not only benefits you but them as well.  People love to be appreciated. 

Today, take gratitude’s magic dust with you for the people who work in service, and look for every opportunity you can to sprinkle magic dust on everyone by saying thank you.  Thank at least 10 people who perform different services you benefits from today. 

Don’t forget to write ten blessings for the day and to practice your magic rock tonight before bed.

Apr 24, 2013

The Money Magnet

Day 9

Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty – this should be the golden rule of your whole life.  We have all complained about money.  I have learned through The Magic that the only way to have more money is to be thankful for the money that I currently have.  One of the biggest things I have changed is my outlook on money.  I use to hate paying my bills.  Through the Magic I have learned that if you complain about your bills then what you are really doing is complaining about money, and complaining keeps you in poverty.  To have a rich life, you must be grateful for everything to do with money.  To be grateful, you must learn to be grateful for the goods or services you’ve received from those who billed you. 

To be grateful for a bill, think about how much you’ve benefited from the service or goods on the bill.  If it’s payment for rent or a mortgage, be grateful that you have a home, and you’re living in it.  If you are paying a bill for gas or electricity,  think about the heating or cooling you received, the hot showers, and every appliance you were able to use because of this service.  Rhonda’s task for today is discovering the phenomenal power of gratitude when paying your bills.  After each bill that you pay, say the magic words, “Thank you – Paid” over every bill you pay.  Feel grateful for having the money to pay the bill.  You can make it your regular practice every time you pay a bill.  The more grateful you are, the more you will see how you become a money magnet.  

Don’t forget your ten blessings of the day and to practice the magic rock before you go to sleep. 

1 month

So today marks the one month anniversary of me going public with my blog. I started this blog with doubts and insecurities but in just one month I have seen and felt more emotions and strength by pursuing my passion than I have in the last year. I hope this doesn't sound annoying but I am really proud of myself.

I feel like I'm on the right track in following God's plans for myself. I got out of the way and I allowed myself to just go. I would be lying if i said I didn't doubt my work at times or wonder what others think, but honestly  it is slowly fizzling away. I'm a work in progress. Some days are easier than others, but I truly believe surrounding ourselves with our passion, great support, great friends, family and God are keys to success. I'm on my pursuit of happiness and I have to say I'm already feeling stronger, healthier, wiser and fulfilled. I can only imagine how much greater I will feel as I continue to follow His plan for me.

Thank you for everyone who has taken the time to follow me on this journey. I am truly grateful and appreciative of your support, your kind words and your motivation. I use to feel alone in this world, but I have found there are a few of you who are just like me. Even if your not like me, there is something in us that we all can relate in - a special bond.

I pray you find motivation in my words, hope in my stories, and inspiration to pursue your dreams.

I have been on this journey for about 3 years now and it took me this long to start this blog. I've made so many changes in my life over this time period - it didn't just happen over night. My first step was returning to my first love - God. Once I had this relationship back on track, everything started changing for the better. I can't say my life was horrible - it wasn't, but something was missing. I never lost my faith, I just slowly stopped my relationship. I found myself only turning to God when something was wrong. In September 2011 is when I started going back to church and when I got my hands on "Everyday a Friday" by Joel Osteen. That book changed my perspective on life and I continue to use those teachings to this day. I've always had a passion for reading, but right after I read that book I found myself so eager to get my hands on any and every positive book I could find. I was addicted in learning new ways to improve the way I think, feel and act. Every book that I've read, every sermon that I've heard, every episode of Joel Osteen that I've seen has lead me to where I am now. It's been years of finding myself, loving myself, and improving myself. I still don't feel that I'm finished. I'm constantly searching new ways to be positive and grateful.

So thank you again for following me on this journey. I am truly grateful - truly, truly, truly.

Apr 23, 2013

The Magic Ingredient

Day 8

Today we speak of giving thanks for our food.  Food is a gift.  It is a gift from nature, because without nature, there would be nothing for us to eat.  Where would we be without food and water?

When we are grateful for food and water, it doesn't just affect our lives; our gratitude also impacts the worlds supply.  If enough people felt gratitude for food and water, it would actually help the people who are starving and in great need.  

Before you eat or drink anything today, whether you're about to eat a meal or snack, take a moment to look at what you are about to eat or drink, and in your mind or out loud say the magic words, thank you!

Don't forget to write 10 blessings of the day and to practice the magic rock at night.

Apr 22, 2013

The Magical Way Out of Negativity

Day 7

I'm sure you have come across someone who is just negative.  No matter what happens, they always have something negative to say.  I've come across some people like that and I can tell you this, they are soooo annoying.  When I read this chapter last year, I thought I was pretty positive, but when I decided to watch what I say, I found myself speaking negativity without realizing it.

Taking things for granted results in complaining, negative thoughts and words.  When you complain, you actually attract more things to complain about.  If you complain about the weather, traffic, your boss, your spouse, your family, a friend, a stranger, waiting in lines, bills, the economy, the cost of something, or the service of a company, you are not being grateful and you are pushing your dream life further away with every complaint.

Today's task consists of picking one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve.  Take this situation and write 10 ten things you are grateful for about this negative situation.  At the end of the list, write Thank you, thank you, thank you for the perfect resolution.  Along with this task, just for today, see if you can get through the day without speaking any kind of negativity.

Don't forget to write 10 blessings of the day and to practice the magic rock.

Apr 19, 2013

Works Like Magic

Day 6

On this day Rhonda starts off asking how is it that people who start out with nothing and very little education go on to be a president or a celebrity, build an empire or become one of the wealthiest people in the world?  How is that two people can start out in the same career, but one person's success is greater?  The missing link to success is gratitude.

To bring success or increase the good things in your job or work, like opportunities, promotions, money, ideas, inspirations and appreciation, it is essential to be grateful for your job or work.  The more gratitude you have, the more you will have to be grateful for!

When you have gratitude, you actually end up feeling more energized and proactive.  You want to do better and give 100%.  You should love your job, whatever it is, and be excited about going to work and you shouldn't settle for anything less.  If you don't feel that way about your current job, you must first feel grateful for the job you do have in order to eventually receive your dream job.

Today's task consists of pretending you have an invisible manager following you around taking notes every time you find something to be grateful for.  Your job today is to look for as many things as you can to be grateful for.

Don't forget to write 10 blessings of the day and to practice the magic rock at night.

Apr 18, 2013

March of Dimes

Most of the time we don’t understand why things happen.  If we have a strong faith, we know that all things happen for good. 

Last year my sister was pregnant with her second child – a girl.  My sister had a bad pregnancy with severe morning sickness that lasted pretty much the entire pregnancy.  She also ended up having Preeclampsia, which is a medical condition characterized by high blood pressure and significant amounts of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman.  My sister was due to have her baby on October 17, however, after a visit to the hospital for false labor, she actually ended up having an emergency C-section.

Aliana Henriquez was born on September 4 - six weeks earlier than her projected birth date.

My sister had went to the hospital on – wait for it – Labor Day.  I had the day off, so I of course went to be with her in the hospital.  My dad had taken her to the hospital because her husband was actually out of town for work.  My dad and I were there until her husband Erick arrived. The doctors wanted to monitor her closely before they released her.  She ended up staying overnight and we thought she would be released the next day.  The next day came and I ended up getting a call from Erick who was crying uncontrollably on the other end.  I was unable to understand what he was saying, so I kept having to ask him to repeat what he was saying.  Under the cries, I heard him say, “They took Angie.  They didn’t let me go in.”  I immediately felt my heart drop.  I left work at that moment and rushed to get to my sister.  Halfway to the hospital, I got the call from Erick that Aliana had been born and that Angie had to receive an emergency C-section, but that everything went well.  I was relieved to hear that my sister and niece were OK. 

When I arrived to the hospital, my parents and Erick’s mom were there.  We were trying to figure what was going on and we were so anxious to see my sister and the baby.  They were not allowing us to see the baby so we started to worry.  The doctor actually took pictures of Aliana because Erick wasn’t allowed in the hospital room. Erick was eventually allowed to go see the baby and he came back proudly showing us the pictures.  Erick told us that she was healthy and fine but they were taking her to NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit) to monitor her because her of lungs.  The grandmas had decided to go get coffee when the OK came from the doctor's to see Aliana, so I jumped at the chance to be one of the first to see her.  Since only two people could go in at a time, I took the spot with Erick.  I was so excited to see my little niece and Erick was still nervous and anxious and trying to collect himself from everything that was going on.  When we got to the NICU, we washed our hands and entered the area anxiously.  When we got to Aliana, both Erick and I were shocked at how many tubes were on her. I had this immediate sadness in my heart from seeing her like this.  What was going on?  They said she was fine.  Why did she have all this stuff on?  Erick immediately broke down.  I tried to console him and let him know that everything was going to be fine and that baby girl would get through this. I took a couple pictures of Ali and then we left.  The walk back to see our family seemed like forever.  What was I going to tell my mom?  It didn’t look good.

We got to the room and Erick proceeded to take my mom and his mom to see the baby.  My sister had been sent to the C-section recovery room and I was told it was okay to go see her.  In this room there were about 3 other mothers.  They were all sitting up and able to hold their baby. Since my sister had an emergency c-section, she was completely put out, whereas the other mothers were awake when they had their c-section.  I went to my sister and she was somewhat awake.  I asked her how she was doing and she mentioned she was in pain.  She asked about the baby and I told her she was fine and that I had actually just seen her.  I took Erick's camera that the doctor had used to take pictures and I showed those to her.  She got teary eyed.  I got teary eyed.  I remember her saying that it was scary, that they just took her and didn't allow Erick to go in and she felt horrible as if Aliana was born alone without having her mom and dad there to witness it. That moment was stolen from her and Erick, but it was due to an emergency and the doctors had to do what was best for them.  I tried to be as positive as I could and I didn't want to alarm her or get her worried.  I stayed there until they were ready to move her.  

I wish there was a separate room for mothers who had emergency C Sections to recover.  Being in a room with other mothers who had their babies with them didn’t seem fair.  All I heard was congratulations, he/she is so adorable, ooohs and ahhhhs and all the happy things you normally say at a time like that.  Well, here I am sitting in a chair next to my sister and she doesn’t have her baby and we aren’t able to be as joyful.   It just didn’t seem fair. 

Once my sister was cleared out of recovery, they rolled her on the hospital bed to the NICU to go see Aliana.  She wasn't even allowed to hold her because she was hooked up to the breathing machine. It was literally an in and out meet and greet.  It felt so wrong. I remember the sadness I felt for my sister and Erick because this isn't what you expect the birth of your child to be like.  It was a couple of days before my sister was able to hold her.  Not seconds, minutes, or hours, but days later. 

We expected Aliana to possibly be in the hospital for a week or so since her lungs were premature, however, one week turned into 6.  For an entire month and a half my sister was without her child.  For a month and a half my sister had to go to the hospital and pay for parking - which isn't cheap and not always so affordable when you’re not working and you have a newborn.  It was tough to say the least and very emotionally draining.

Aliana was hooked onto oxygen and then she had to learn how to suck in order to eat.  When she finally was able to suck and drink her bottle she was ready to go home.

My sister and her family didn’t expect this to happen to them.  They didn’t expect a complicated pregnancy, labor and a preemie baby, but like I said in the beginning, when you trust in God you know that all things work for good.  My sister took this negative situation and turned it into a positive by signing up for March for Babies, a charitable walking event which gives proceeds to help fund research to prevent premature births, defects and infant mortality.  She decided not to dwell on her situation, but to use it for good to help other babies and families.  Each year more than half a million babies are born prematurely and more than 120,000 are born with serious birth defects in the United States.  My sister has raised $1000 and I can’t express how proud I am of her.  She is definitely on her Gentlewoman Evolution!  She has shown great character in proving that bumps in the road don’t define our lives and they shouldn’t take over us.  When something like this happens, we get up and we use it towards good. 

If you have the chance, I have included the team page below.  Any donation amount will help.

The Dallas March of Dimes will take place this Saturday.  I’m really looking forward to this wonderful experience.

Apr 17, 2013

Magic Money

Day 5

Most people complain about finances.  I was one of those people, until I read this chapter.  Feeling worried, envious, jealous, disappointed, discouraged or fearful about money can never bring more money to you.  Those feelings do just the opposite.  No matter where you are in life financially, the thought of not having enough money is actually being ungrateful for the money that you do have.  You have to learn to be grateful for what you currently have in order to see your finances increase. 

The first step in Magic Money’s practice is to get a dollar bill and write down: “THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MONEY I'VE BEEN GIVEN THROUGHOUT MY LIFE.”  Put your dollar in your purse/wallet and look at it a couple times today.  Carry this dollar with you and look at it every now and then to remind yourself to be grateful for the money you do have.  Make a promise to yourself that whenever you receive any money, whether it’s your salary for work, a refund or discount, or something that someone gives you, you will truly be grateful for it.

Don’t forget to write your 10 blessings of the day and to practice the magic rock before you go to sleep!

Apr 16, 2013

Magic Health

Day 4

“The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil Roman Poet

Health is probably one of the richest blessings we have.  Most of us don’t realize this until we are faced with a sickness.  When you give thanks for your health, you are sending out the magical powers to continue maintaining your health.  You may even notice that there will be improvements to your health.

The Magic Health practice for today starts with reading the following sentences about your body.  After you read each line, close your eyes and feel grateful for that part of your body.

Say thank you for my legs and feet, and really mean it.

Say thank you for your arms, hands and fingers!

Say thank you for your amazing sense of taste!

Say thank you for your wonderful sense of smell!

Say thank you for your precious sense of touch!

Say thank you for your eyes that enable you to see everything!

Say thank you for your hearing!

Say thank you for your brain and beautiful mind!

Say thank you organs for working perfectly!

Say thank you for my strong and healthy heart!

Next, take a piece of paper and write in big bold letters: THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE. Keep this paper where you can see it as a reminder to feel gratitude for your health.

Being grateful for your health is essential to keep your health, but also to guarantee that it continues to get better. 

Don’t forget to write 10 blessings and to practice the magic rock before you go to bed. 

Apr 15, 2013

Motivational Monday - Appearances Don't Define Us

Today's motivation comes from someone else's struggle. I remember when I heard about this story.  It was so sad, but what truly touched my heart was when I read that Lauren was coming out with a book, “Still Lolo”.  I remember being intrigued, but what really made me want to go purchase this book asap was this quote, “'I am seeing that this life is way bigger than me and I think that a lot of things that I held important earlier, even in my career were quite shallow and I just want to use what I have been through to talk to young girls and let them know that our appearance is not what defines us, even just insecurities that we may hold onto do not define us.  That quote just hit me and I immediately felt horrible.  I’m gonna be honest.  There are times, many times in fact where I just dislike something physical about myself.  It’s been a constant love hate relationship.  Sometimes I’m good, sometimes I’m not.  Or at least that’s how I use to be.

It is so hard to feel comfortable in your own skin when every time you look around you see someone with the perfect body, the perfect face and the perfect hair.  Those insecurities I held on to vanished after I read Lauren’s book.  Wait, I won’t say they completely vanished, but what I will say is that I don’t beat myself up anymore.  I believe more than ever, I am comfortable in my own skin.  This book, along with Joel Osteen’s “I AM” message made me realize that God created us as we are, down to every mole on our body.  I think it is so remarkable that Lauren got through this bump in her life with honor to God.  She was honest about having anger, but it’s so touching to see how she still kept God first and realized this wasn’t a punishment but a way to use herself to help others.

If you get the chance, read her book.  If not, just watch this video.  I am hoping it will motivate you not to pick out your flaws.  Instead focus on what you love about yourself and run with it. 

Happy Monday!

Magical Relationships

Day 3

This day involves relationships and how much they should mean to all of us.  Without friends, family, partners, coworkers, children, we would have no relationships.  Think about it.  When something good happens, who do you go to?  Vice versa when something bad happens?  This world wouldn't be worth living in if there wasn't someone to share it with.  

Being grateful for our relationships is key in making life happier.  Gratitude towards our relationships makes our relationships better.  Instead of looking at what's wrong with a person, it's best to look at what's right.  

I totally agree with Rhonda that our words are powerful.  When we complain about any person, we actually end up harming ourselves.  Whatever you think or say about another person will come back to you.

Today we must think of 3 relationships and be grateful for these people just as they are.  Choose 3 of your closest relationships (your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends,etc) and get a photo of them.  Once you have your three special people and their photographs, you are to sit down and think about the things you are the most grateful for about each person.  What are their best qualities?  What do you love most about them?  List five things for each person that you are most grateful for.

Thank you, _______________, for _________________.

Don't forget to make another list of 10 things you are grateful for as well as practicing the Magic Rock tonight. :)

I wanted to include my 3 special relationships that I wrote last year on April 18, 2012.  Almost exactly one year ago.

One of the most important relationships I have is with my husband.  No one knows me better, loves me more than him.

  1. Thank you Chris for loving me flaws and all.
  2. Thank you Chris for being so patient with me, even when I don’t deserve it.
  3. Thank you Chris for making me happy every chance you get.
  4. Thank you Chris for packing my lunch every morning and letting me workout in the evenings.
  5. Thank you Chris for giving me the gift of becoming a mother to the most beautiful little girl in the world.
(Ush! - Is this exercise supposed to make you cry? - Cause I’m getting the water works)
My next most valued relationship is the one I have with my daughter.  I know she’s only 4 years old, but this little girl has my heart.  She has my heart wrapped up all over her soul.  The bond you have with your child is one that can not be replaced or expressed with words.

  1. Thank you Mia for the joy you have brought into my life.
  2. Thank you Mia for the kisses and hugs you give me everyday.
  3. Thank you Mia for showing me that I did not only find true love with your Dad, but with you as well. 
  4. Thank you Mia for coming into my life when I needed you the most.  You helped put my life into new perspective.
  5. Thank you Mia for making me such a proud Mommy.  You listen, you care, you sing and dance, you’re funny and sweet and you are everything I ever hoped for.
I debated over my third relationship between this person and my parents, but this person actually seemed to come on top.  I have a special relationship with this chick b/c she is my sister.  She was my friend since birth and only her and I can take things back - way back.  We may not be the same in every aspect, but we share the sister bond and that can never be taken away.  A sister is a friend forever.

  1. Thank you Angie for being my friend/sister since birth.  Our relationship means alot to me.
  2. Thank you Angie for always being there to listen to me when I was too embarrassed to share something with a friend or Mom.  We could always have “our little secrets”.
  3. Thank you Angie for being such a fun sister.  I always wanted to be like you when I was little and it seems like most things you loved, well I feel in love with them too.  (Shakirrrrraaaaaaa)
  4. Thank you Angie, for forgiving me when I wasn't the best sister/aunt.  I hope I have repaid you immensely for that time period.
  5. Thank you Angie, for all the fun times we had.  Both when we were little and as we got older.  I always had a friend with you.  Always someone to play with, go shopping with, vent to, or just have a great dancing night. 

Apr 14, 2013

The Magic Rock

Day 2

To start your day two you must first remember to jot down 10 more things you are grateful for. Along with doing this task, The Magic requires you to find a rock or stone. This rock will be your "magic" rock. When you have this rock or stone (you can find it in your back yard - it doesn't matter what it looks like as long as it fits in your hand) you must hold it close to you each night before you go to sleep and think back through your day and find the best thing that happened that you are grateful for. After you have your thought in mind, you must say Thank You.

It is best to have this rock by your bed side to remember to do this task every night for the next 26 days. Doing this task will make sure you end your day with gratitude.

Apr 12, 2013


Last year I grabbed a hold of the book called, “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne.  I read reviews of people saying this book had changed their lives -  28 days later, it changed mine.  There’s one word, one feeling, that brings everything into place.  Gratitude.  Rhonda believes if you practice gratitude, the force will accelerate the magic in your life.  What you give you receive, equally.  If you increase your gratitude, the results of your life will be equal to your feeling.

The Magic is a 28 day journey with magical practices designed to help a person learn how to use gratitude as a power to changing their life.  It’s been almost a year since I took this 28 day journey, and I thought it would be a good idea to go through it again, share every day’s task with you and hope that you take part of this journey.  I PROMISE you this: Your life will change!  If you take this seriously, it will.  I believe that wholeheartedly. When I started the Magic in April of 2012, I wrote down my dreams.  28 days later one of those dreams became reality.  I believe the more you dedicate to practicing gratitude, the more you will receive. 

To begin this journey, you have to think about your dreams.  Think about what you really want in life.  Relationships, career, finances, health and anything you want to change can be in your dream thoughts.  There is no dream too big.  When you put your dreams into thoughts, your thoughts become energy.  Gratitude will help these dreams become reality.

Day 1: Count Your Blessings 

Counting your blessings is one of the most powerful practices you can ever do.  When you are grateful for things, you will see those things increase.  When we complain or criticize we are doing the exact opposite and we end up pushing away our relationships, money, jobs, etc.

 Better to lose count while naming your blessings, than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.” – Maltbie Babcock 

Today’s task consists of counting your blessings.  You will make a list of 10 things you are grateful for.  It is also important to write why you are thankful. Ex.  I am truly blessed to have _____________, because ______________.  I am so happy and grateful for _______________, because ________________________.  

When you are done with your list, go back and read your list.  After reading each thing you are grateful for, say thank you three times. (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you)  This task will continue everyday for the next 27 days.  Add 10 more things each day to your list.  You can type these in your phone, carry a journal or type them up on your computer.  Don’t get discouraged.  There is so much to be grateful for: Earth, your home, your job, your health, your spouse, your children, your hearing, the clothes you have on.   

Writings from the younger me

Written 09.09.09

Sometimes when it’s quiet and I have time to think, my mind wonders to everything - the baby, the husband, the step son, my mother and father, the past, the future and even all the scenarios that led me to where I am today. I don’t know where along my 25 years God decided to bless me with everything I ever wanted – scratch that – with everything I ever needed. There are several things I want, but God gave me everything I needed which is by far so much more important. This month marks the 1 year anniversary of my marriage with Chris. Everything goes by so fast. The baby who was once growing inside of me is now almost two and it seems as though planning the wedding and anticipating “our” day lasted longer than our first year as husband and wife. People always seem to ask, “How is married life?” Honestly, to me it is no different than dating, except now we live together and I check the “Mrs.” Box.

I have a lifetime to spend with my husband on Earth, if God permits and a future filled with more laughs, love and hugs. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life. Not only is he wonderful to me, but he is such an amazing father. I can look at him play with Mia and it brings an inner joy to see her smile and his smile and in that moment I know what love is all about. I can’t get over him and how much he means to me at this moment. He took down all the walls I built and threw away all the baggage I had carried. All my trust issues, all my insecurities that followed me like paparazzi were demolished with a kiss and I became a new person. I still have my faults and I’m in no way perfect but Chris loves me like I am. Even in the mornings when I look like a truck rolled over me or when I’m sick in the hospital bed, he looks at me like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. Sometimes, however, I feel like this is too good to be true that one day I’ll catch him cheating or he’ll leave me with no reason, but those are just the haunting insecurities that try to take over me. I have to remind myself that I’m no longer in those situations of feeling that I am not good enough, because I am good enough and I am deserving of this beautiful life. My life could’ve taken a different path, I could have landed a huge toad who would have only brought me misery, but somehow I dodged the bullet and I scratched the ticket that won me the lottery. My life may not be filled w/ a lavish mansion with a maid or a closet full of designer clothes, but I am rich – very rich in love and family.

Apr 10, 2013

Eco Friendly

Since Earth day is approaching later this month, I wanted to share why I've decided to Go Green and why it is so important to me and why Going Green is now part of my GW Evolution.

Since I have become aware of all the chemicals that are in our day to day products, I've become just a little obsessed with cleaning out everything and replacing with natural products.  This is my personal choice and I don't want to force anyone to follow in my steps, but I think it's important to spread my knowledge and hopefully inspire others.

So my Friday night last week consisted of shopping at Target.  I went in looking to purchase an all natural laundry detergent and I ended coming home with all of this.

I got glass cleaner, detergent, deodorant, dish soap, hand soap, cosmetics and dishwasher soap.  I have to admit I actually enjoyed shopping, especially since I was able to use my new app, Good Guide, (free on the app store) which helps you find safe, healthy and green products using  expert ratings for popular food, personal care products, household chemicals and electronics. If you want more information about this app click here. 

So far, I've used pretty much all the products and I'm pretty content.  The deodorant doesn't have the girly scent like my prior deodorant, but fragrance equals chemicals and I'm okay kicking fragrance to the curb to avoid chemicals leaching into my body.  Burt's Bees lip products are phenomenal and leave my lips smooth all day.  They can range between $6 - $9 however, it's still cheaper than buying from MAC. 

Method dish soap, laundry soap are pretty good and I love that all I have to do is pump and I'm done.  4 pumps for each and the heat activated dryer fabric softener is pretty awesome cause instead of sheets it's a spray.  It's so convenient and ecofriendly.  All products are plant based and biodegradable and they smell and work GREAT!  These products are a few dollars more than Gain and Tide, but the extra few bucks are worth getting chemical free products that are natural - my opinion.

Using biodegradable products and natural products are just one step in my "Go Green" journey. Saving the planet and being more Eco friendly is something we can all contribute to. 

From Treehugger.com 

Why Go Green? Top Ten Tips

  1. Real food is fuel for the body -- and the planet.By following the green eaters' mantra -- eat seasonal, local, organic foods -- you can enjoy fresher, tastier foods and improve your personal health. According to one study, organic milk has 68 percent more beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk. Making green food choices also has global consequences. Buying local means supporting the local economy and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions required to get food from its origin to your plate. Buying fresh food means reducing packaging and energy used for processing. Choosing organic foods means helping promote organic agriculture and responsible land use. To learn more check out How to Go Green: Eating.
  2. The average woman absorbs more than 4 pounds of cosmetics during her lifetime. Guys, you're not off the hook.Your skin -- the body's largest organ -- absorbs up to 60 percent of the products you put on it every day, from soaps to shampoos to sunscreens. Considering that most of us use about 10 different products daily,that can really add up. Choosing green personal care products often means using plant-based ingredients in place of petrochemicals, preventing these chemicals from being absorbed into your skin. Learn how to keep your grooming regimen on the level with our How to Go Green: Women's Personal Care guide and Know Your Cosmetics Ingredients: Top Ingredients to Avoid.
  3. Making stuff takes lots (and lots and lots) of energy.Every object you own -- your furniture, your clothing, your beer cans, your stuff -- comes from somewhere; every object has an environmental impact. Nothing simply comes from "the store." To help mitigate the footprint of your material life, choose goods made from green (or greener) materials, such as sustainably harvested wood, organic cotton, or repurposed and recycled materials. Your choices will help protect forests, habitat, clean water and biodiversity; ensure sustainable land-use practices; and reduce the amount of waste clogging up our landfills. Buying less stuff and second-hand stuff helps achieve this goal, too. See our How to Go Green: Furniture, and BuyGreen Guides for more info on sourcing these products.
  4. Clean, renewable power is already available to everyone.We use electricity to power our lights, computers, and televisions, but what happens before you flip the switch? Your electricity has to come from somewhere; more than half America's comes from coal-burning power plants, which also happen to be the country's largest source of air pollution. By signing up for a renewable energy program through your local utility, generating your own power, or purchasing renewable energy credits (also known as "green tags"), you contribute to our collective capacity for generating more clean power from wind, solar, and other sources and you help reduce demand for energy from more polluting sources. Learn more about how to make your electrical footprint lighter in our How to Go Green: Electricity guide.
  5. Better transportation means less global warming.Anytime you choose to walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation, you reduce (or totally eliminate) the carbon dioxide and particulate emissions created by driving a gas- or diesel-powered car. You'll help slow global warming and help stave off our date with peak oil. Choosing greener options ? such as a train over air travel ? for long-distance trips can immensely reduce your carbon footprint. Get to the nitty-gritty in our How to Go Green: Cars and How To Go Green: Public Transportation guides.
  6. Nature Recycles Everything. So Should People.Making proper use of the blue recycling bin has become an iconic action. Reducing the amount of stuff we consume is the first step (and the first word in the mantra reduce-reuse-recycle), finding constructive uses for "waste" materials is the second. Why? Nothing is ever really thrown "away" -- it all has to go somewhere. By recycling and reusing, we reduce the amount of waste that sits in landfills (where even biodegradable products often can?t break due to lack or oxygen and sunlight). Recycling materials also saves energy compared to using virgin materials to create new products. Some materials, like aluminum and glass, can even be recycled without being "downcycled," or turned into a product of lesser quality. See our How to Go Green: Recycling guide for more details.
  7. Your clothing choices impact more than just your appearance.Making clothing involves a large amount of materials, energy, and labor?including the pesticides used to grow crops for textiles, the dyes and water used to color them, and conditions under which laborers work. By choosing eco-friendly clothing ?- say, purchasing organic over conventional cotton, one of the world's most chemically dependent crops, you also choose a better product that is easier on the soil and groundwater. How you care for your clothes ?- using cold water in the washing machine, eco-friendly detergents, and line-drying (at least part of the time) - can all reduce the impact of your wardrobe. Wearing second-hand styles helps diverts traffic to landfills, and in some cases - perhaps undurprisingly -- can be 95 percent more efficient that buying new. Learn more about greener choices in our How to Go Green: Wardrobe and Laundry guides.
  8. Water is not a renewable resource.Clean water is perhaps the planet's most precious resource, and, with the increasing effects of global climate change, for many regions across the globe, our ability to have enough high-quality H20 on hand could likely to change in the near future. Being water conscious helps reduce strain on municipal treatment systems and ensures there's enough to go around. By shifting away from bottled water, we can reduce global greenhouse gas emissions (from shipping), the energy required to produce (petroleum-derived) plastic, and the volume of waste trucked to our landfills (from empty bottles). Have a peek at our How to Go Green: Water Guide for more details.
  9. Greener goods are more humane.Just as its required materials and energy, all "stuff" requires another common resource: the human kind. If you opt for green and ethical goods, you are often supporting local and global craftsmen and communities. Supporting "Fair Trade" products and fair labor practices ensures that goods-- from coffee to clothing ? were not born in a sweatshop. Buying goods made in the U.S.A. (and preferably purchased nearby where they were made, which cuts down on transportation costs) means production practices are governed by strict labor laws. Read the How to Go Green: Wardrobe and Coffee & Tea guides for more.
  10. There's nothing corny 'bout peace, love, and understanding.When Dr. Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004, the awarding committee recognized her accomplishments by saying, "Peace on earth depends on our ability to secure our living environment." Maathai, the founder of the Green Belt Movement (one of Planet Green's NGO partners), has helped the world connect the dots between women's rights, sustainable development, democracy, and world peace -- get the details in the TreeHugger Radio interview with Maathai. The connection between peace and the environment has been cemented by Nobel Prize Laureate Al Gore and the IPCC, who have driven home the points that global climate change is an issue of science, technology, human behavior, ethics and peace, and that one person's actions can truly make a difference. Equating the two -- peace and the environment -- allows us to understand the big picture and the manner in which we're all connected.

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