Oct 30, 2013

Gentlewoman, Maricia Perez

You know when you meet someone and you just hit it off?  Well that would be the best way I could describe the relationship that has been established between myself and Maricia.  Maricia happens to be my husband’s cousin, but due to certain reasons, I never got to really know Maricia.  But that all changed on Easter Day of this year, which was the day, my family found our second home at Fellowship Church.  We were unaware that my husband’s family from his biological dad was attending this church and I tell you, it was all a part of God’s divine purpose.  From finding a church that we love, to being surrounded by our family and friends, God really had an amazing plan for us. 

Getting to know Maricia over these last few months has truly been a gift.  She is a FLAVOUR Sisterhood leader (and yes, I’m in her group), an active volunteer at church, her daughters are beautiful and sweet and most recently Maricia found herself a man at church.  (Go Maricia!)  Maricia has become my inspiration to begin volunteering and she’s been someone who I feel so comfortable talking with.  We share so much love for Christ that it has brought us so close together.

Maricia, you are my sister from the same mister (God) and I wish nothing but the best for you and your family. I’m so happy God brought my family to Fellowship so we could keep a relationship with a different part of Chris’ family.  Thank you for your motivation, your inspiration and for everything you do.  You are truly a woman of God!

Me and Maricia volunteering at Fellowship Church

1.   For those who don’t know you, can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Well, the best way I can describe myself, I would have to say that I am a servant.
I serve in the house = volunteer 
I serve my children = mom
I serve my family and friends = always cooking and having gatherings
I serve my clients = hair dresser for 16 years

2.   You are an active volunteer and church goer. What was the turning point in becoming so devoted to church/Christ? The turning point was during Fellowship’s service at Klyde Warren Park. I took the kids and we volunteered. We meet so many people and had so much fun. It did not seem like we were there for 7 hours. It was amazing to see thousands of people hear the word of salvation. It still gives me chills when I think about it. I made my mind up to put everything in God’s hands. Serving is a reward for my soul. The church is my home.

3.   You are a mother of three girls. Can you tell me about them and what your hopes are for their future?
Erin 15, Julia 11, and Sophia who is almost 3. They are all so different. Erin is a teenager who wants so much to be a grown up. Julia is in that transition stage and Sophia is full of life and energy. My hope for them is to stay grounded with their relationship with Christ, to inspire and be a blessing to others and to have compassionate hearts.

4.  What is the hardest situation you have experienced? How were you able to get through that situation? My breaking point turned out to be my break through point. I was six months pregnant with my third child, depressed, financially broke and my husband decided he no longer wanted to be with me. After a horrible fight with him I was literally on the bathroom floor crying. I have to admit I really couldn't see a future for myself. (I didn't want to see one.) All of a sudden I heard a loud voice "Maricia Get Up!" Thinking it was my step father on the other side of the door I got up, stopped crying, and washed my face. When I opened the door and walked to the front of my house I realized no one was there. The loud voice was my Father, my heavenly father. God was telling me to "get up".  He was there with me at my lowest point and He never left my side. He is my rock. I now realize that was the best moment in my life.

5.  What do you think women in our generation need to hear?
This may sound old fashion but, Go to church! Put God first. Ask Him to come into your life, develop and relationship with him. If you do not own a bible get one. All the answers were left for us in that book.

6.  What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of the passion that I have for God's house. It consumes me. I love serving. It has changed my life in so many ways. I love the friendships that I have found, I love what it is doing for my whole family and  I love bringing people closer to Christ. So you could say I am Very Proud to wear my Fellowship name badge.

7.   We both share a love for church, Christ and faith. What was your biggest challenge with letting go of the old and embracing the new?
Letting go of past baggage, embracing what God is doing to me and pouring it out to others.

8.  Who inspires you and why?
There are a handful of ladies at church who inspire me. I look at them and see passion for what they are doing at church. From how they are changing lives in the children's ministry, helping out at the Mix or encouraging women at Flavour - their devotion is inspiring to me. 

9.  Please describe in your words the joy, love and peace that comes from being a Christ follower?
Once I figured out that God loved me so much that he sacrificed his only beloved son that thought overwhelmed my heart and took over my soul with joy, love, and peace. It is truly something great.

10. What is the best piece of advice you have received? 
       God works “MIRACLES". It's up to us to receive them.

Oct 22, 2013

Gentlewoman, Claudia Capetillo

I was just rereading my Gentlewoman Interviews the other day and became so inspired by rereading each and every one.  I want to continue this series because my hope is that someone will get inspired and decide to reach up.

My next Gentlewoman is Claudia Capetillo, a beautiful, sweet friend of mine.  Claudia didn’t let having a baby at 16 stop her from living out her dreams.  Her daughter Genesis has a smile that is contagious.  Claudia has raised this little girl to be a shining star and I know that the foundation she has laid down for her will take her far.  Claudia recently graduated with a degree in Education and landed her dream job as a bilingual elementary teacher.  As we have all experienced, struggles get in the way of relationships, family, education and everything else.  What I love to witness is seeing people, especially women, overcome all those barriers, obstacles and statistics to prove everyone else wrong.  I’m sure the road wasn’t easy, but what Claudia has shown is that it can be done, regardless of what you are going through. 

Claudia just turned thirty (whoo hoo) and she is embracing the age rather than sinking into the negativity of getting older.  Congrats Claudia on all you have accomplished.  

1.     For those people who don’t know you, can you tell me a little bit about yourself?  I’m a thirty year old who loves life and is truly blessed.  God has been amazing to me.  I have a wonderful 13 year old daughter who is EVERYTHING to me.  I have a great man by my side that supports and spoils me and his daughter.  Overall, I’m a lucky girl.

2.     You have one of the hardest, but most underpaid jobs in the world. What made you decide you were going to be a teacher? I think I always knew I wanted to teach.  It is one of the hardest and underpaid jobs, but I love it.  It’s stressful and draining, but at the same time it’s extremely rewarding.  I help mold young children.  I inspire them to learn.  In what other job do you have 40 people looking up to you and admiring you?  Also, the kids are a trip.  They make me laugh.  I love what I do.

3.     As a teacher, what do parents need to do to make their children more successful?  I think the best thing parents can do is support the teacher.  Always let your child know that you and the teacher are on the same page working together to achieve student success.  Also, nourish being a good reader.  Read to young kids and even babies.  Support their love for reading.  Being a good reader will help with everything they have to do in school.  Did you know that when the state is building a new prison and figuring out how many cells to build, they look at how many kids in third grade aren’t reading at grade level?  Statistics show that a child who doesn’t read at grade level in third grade has a higher risk of being in prison.  Scary!

4.     You have broken the barriers of the statistic world by becoming a successful young woman who had a child at a young age. What motivated you to finish school and pursue your dreams? Fear.  Fear of being a failure, fear of not being able to provide for my child, fear of being another statistic.  Ultimately, it was my daughter.  She was my drive.  I need her to always be proud of me and look up to me.

5.     What do you think women in our generation need to hear? Oh man, love yourself.  Love your children.  Support them, encourage them and always make time for them.  Also, I would love for women to understand that men should never come before yourself or your children.  That’s just my opinion.

6.     Who inspires you and why? Genesis, my daughter.  She makes me want to do better so that she can have a role model.  Also, my kids inspire me.  I love to watch them grow intellectually and emotionally.  They inspire me to be a better teacher for them.

7.     What are you most proud of? The number one thing I am most proud of is the fact that even though I was 16 years old when I had Genesis, I have raised her to be the young lady she is today.  She is my success story.  She’s happy, loving, confident, smart and absolutely amazing.

8.     What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? The best piece of advice I have ever received is to never give up and to always keep moving towards success.

9.     You have a daughter who is now a teenager, what are the biggest battles facing our teens and how have you helped your daughter fight against them?  Well, I think what scares me the most about this generation is bullying.  (I think that’s a problem in any generation, but a bigger risk now with social media.)  Also, drugs scare me so much!  I help my daughter by making sure she knows how much she’s worthy and that no one has the right to make her feel less than.  I also don’t allow her to have a social media account. I feel she has no need for it at this age.  (She also doesn’t care to have one either, which helps.)  I talk to Genesis with the TRUTH!  I don’t sugar coat anything.  I’m sincere with her about girl drama, which can get out of hand at this age (especially at an all girls school), boys, and my struggles as a young mom and drugs.  We also have an open line of communication.  I always want to keep it open.

10.  What are your dreams?  I dream to watch my daughter grow up to be a successful happy woman.  I dream of going back to school and receiving another degree.  I dream to make the best of life and live happily ever after with my loved ones. 

Oct 11, 2013

Dear Gilbert

Brother, I made a promise earlier this year that I would use your departure as my number one reason to pursue and accomplish many things this year.  As you have seen I'm sure, I've been leaping all this year, taking myself to new destinations. One of the things I have been most proud of was the goal I reached in your honor for The American Heart Association.  $1,110 - can you believe that?  Not only did I reach my goal, but I surpassed it.  I did it with the help of family and friends who unselfishly donated hard earned money.  It was such a humbling experience to see everyone come together to create a beautiful selfless act.  I know you are not here physically, but I felt you and your love every step of the way.  I honestly didn't feel I could do something like this by myself, but what I learned along the way is that I am capable of making a difference. 

I had a conversation today with a young woman in the same profession as me and she asked me what my goals were professionally.  I told her I wanted to continue my career in Human Resources to the highest level I could obtain.  I also told her my mission was to one day work for The American Heart Association.  I explained that I had lost you this year and that I wanted to dedicate my life to helping other people, making a difference and working for a company that did just that.  

I often times wish I would have helped educate you more about your heart and your health and at times those thoughts can turn into negativity that ends up torturing me with the thought of what if.  What if I would have helped you more?  What if we as a family would have educated ourselves with your health conditions and devoted ourselves to keeping you healthy before it got to the point that it did?  I know those questions are just lost words because we both know our destiny's are already set and there is no way to escape what God has planned for our lives.  

I want you to know that your life made a difference to me.  I want you to know that your love for God and your teachings to me at a very young age about God made a difference.  I want you to know that your health conditions weren't given to you without a bigger plan.  They were given to you for a purpose and for this moment. They were given to you for me. So I could learn everything I learned this year about faith, family, love, friendship, support, confidence......on and on.   I have learned so much this year I feel that my head and heart will explode with all the wisdom I have gained.  I love you so much and I want you to know that I will continue to do my best to make you proud and to reach out to others and make an impact in their lives.  I want to educate and inform people in the importance of health and the importance of a relationship with God.  

I promise next year I'll aim at bigger and better.

With love always, 
                Your baby sis