Jun 30, 2014

Home Improvement Part II

When my husband and I decided to work on our finances and begin tithing out 10%, we noticed great blessings along the way. Just as we were on this "high" of giving and feeling great about it, our refrigerator broke. Not good. Luckily, we have a spare refrigerator in the garage and we were able to save our recently purchased groceries over to the other refrigerator before they spoiled. This was the second time our refrigerator went out so taking a chance on fixing it again and spending another $300 when we had just fixed it about 6 months prior didn't seem so logical. Would it continue to break on us? My dad suggested we purchase a new one, but that didn't seem fitting as we were working on knocking out our debt. We had some money set aside which we had planned on paying off a credit account at Fry's before our 12 month interest free promotion ended. We ended up paying off the account and decided that while our initial goal was to close the account, if we did the same thing where we paid off the balance before interest kicked in, then we would be OK. While we were looking at the refrigerators, we ended up not only picking a new refrigerator but a new stove, microwave and dishwasher! I was so excited. Unfortunately, we had to wait for our account to post the deposit which would give us the necessary credit allowance to make the big purchase. This turned out to be a long drawn out process that left us with a very bad experience at Fry's. The story is too long to tell and every time my husband relives it, he can't help but get frustrated and annoyed all over again. Let's just say: bad communication, very bad customer service and a lack to make things better. Their loss because our business went elsewhere. During these two weeks where we were getting the "run around" from the staff at Fry's, we became disappointed. At one point it seemed like everything that could go wrong went wrong. But you know we just kept saying "God has something better in store." And what do you know – He did! I know this is just a situation of dealing with bad customer service but I think the power of positivity comes in handy when dealing with any type of situation. We couldn't get down. We knew this would happen for us, we just had to see what God was teaching us through this experience and remain faithful that God would bless us with the ability to get our new appliances.

And we did. What I learned through this experience is that yes God will shower his blessings for following in obedience, but we must remain faithful during those times when we feel taken back. When you remain faithful, God will open doors when man blocks it. So here we are, months later after our decision to follow through with tithing and we are seeing the blessings come to life.

Here are the pictures of our kitchen when we first moved in.

Here are the pictures of the kitchen prior to our new appliances.  You will notice we purchased a new stovetop and ventahood as well as new lighting fixtures and new cabinet handles.  We also removed those doors by the refrigerator and we painted the walls and added mini blinds.

In order to get our kitchen updated, we had to remove some cabinets to make room for the stove.  Thanks to my husband and father in law, we were able to do this on our own without hiring someone to do the job for us.  

And here is our new kitchen. I am so very happy. Just to let you know when we first moved into this house, the kitchen was my least favorite room of the house. I had always wanted a big open kitchen and I ended up with this kitchen that I disliked. Yes, it's still not the big spacious kitchen that I dreamed of, but it has made a big improvement and I'm pretty proud of our little kitchen now. 


Jun 16, 2014

Tales from the Single Mom

Blog Post by Tania Cuadra

I read this article online a while back about how Michelle Obama caught herself referring to herself as a “single mother”. Really?! Is what I thought as I bristled at such a remark. No ma’am, you have help and money! I was a single “all the time” mother at the moment and no one, not even the first lady could identify with me… or so I believed.
Let me share a glimpse of my story.

I try not to compare my situation with others because I know that road leads to a dark, lonely dead end. For three lengthy dramatic years, I was a single mother to my son, Gael-Sebastían. I realize there are a lot of women who have it much worse than I did and it isn’t so much that I coveted the title of “single mom”. Actually, I hated it! But it was what it was and my situation embodied the truth of the term. I didn’t get a weekend to myself to do as I choose. I didn’t have a steady stream of residual income for my child’s growing wants. I didn’t have the other parent every night with whom to pillow talk over the latest worries and concerns about our son. I was one. Alone. Single. Drained.

The father and I split on common terms, there was no infidelity (thank God) we both just wanted different things, as it usually goes. I wanted to play wifey and he wanted to live the “party” life. So – I walked away. It was tough, scratch that it was agonizing, but I walked out with my integrity and self-worth. A huge part of me wanted him to stop me and choose us – sadly, he didn’t. As a result, I became withdrawn, utterly withdrawn. I used to bury myself in the depths of my sorrow, cry out of confusion and painfully question everything. Will I be okay? Will my son be okay? Will he and I be able to get along someday? Who will date me? Will people poke fun at me? Will I lose my friends?

Not every day was easy. Not every night was full of sleep. But every morning the sun came up and somehow I put one foot in front of the other. I went through my day, fed the kiddo, hugged him, and loved him. I dealt with everyday life by continuously praying and putting things into perspective… framing them up. Each and every day, I told myself, “You got up on February 14th, you can get up today” and I did. I got up. Day after day. You do the things you have to do and then the day ends and you face another night. Ugh, nights were the cruelest, but even those became easier as I figured out how to sleep through the entire night without cringing. Then, at some point you stop doing it because you have to do it, you are actually happy to do it and you smile again, you laugh and you notice the sun coming up, the birds chirping and the flowers blooming. But like most bliss, we must go through the storm before we could appreciate the sunshine...

I worked harder than I had ever worked in my life. I was making my way in the world… concealing the melancholy underneath my determination. I was constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I felt like from the moment I woke up in the morning to the moment I laid my head down at night I was in a marathon. No, each day was a sprint in the epic marathon that had become my life. Getting up, taking care of my baby boy, getting him to day care, getting myself to work on time, trying to be awesome at work, dashing out the door at 5 p.m. to make it to daycare on time, loving on my son so that he would not remember that I had just left him for ELEVEN HOURS and feeding him and ready-ing him for a new day. Gosh, I’m exhausted just writing about it. How the hell did I do it? And what I just described was a good day. Now throw in one little monkey wrench: sick child, traffic, long meetings at work, car problems, perfectionist micro-managing boss (ok, so that was every day) and it was a recipe for mind-blowing guilt and anxiety. I stayed feeling guilty (lots of mommy guilt.... working, single, my kid is from a "broken" home guilt).... so when I even so much as thought about going to do something outside of the house, I just couldn’t. I hated to be away from my little one. I had very little to no help from family. They confused my strength and clarity with, “She’s got it all under control”. Um, no. Occasionally, I wondered selfish thoughts, “Would life be different if I had stayed?” At least I’d have a partner so that when I go out, that person is here to... well I dislike using the word ‘watch him’ but kind of. I could go out with friends and not worry about Gael feeling "alone", "neglected" or placed in harms way. Tragic, I know.

I didn't always WANT to get along with Joe (baby daddy), but I had to make it work for my son. I had to for him – he loves his daddy. It took a lot of work and wanting to do it. Not every step was easy and I had to put my hurt aside for it to work. Truth be told, prayer & patience were my best tools because there were days I wanted to go ape sh*t wild on him. Haha. Yet no matter how frantic he would make me, I never talked bad about Joe in front Gael, ever. This abetted our current relationship immensely.

Moving along… I guess my biggest problem (aside from BD issues) was maintaining friendships and dating, especially dating. I really struggled with this. I had so many friends or I had bursts of "close" friendships that didn't last quite long. I only dated one guy as a single mommy. A spot-on charmer, smart, tall and handsome, no kids. A dream! It ended months later – I called it off. Pfft. He wanted a vulnerable woman to control, I was not that; not even under my doomed circumstance. Sad face but reality is what it is. C'est la vie! Late-twenties and I’m boring… not partying every weekend or “hanging out” at happy hour on weekdays instead I acquired hobbies. Ironically, the first was babysitting children of single moms needing time away for the little things like manis/pedis, haircuts or a date night. If I couldn’t do it then I should let someone else relish in a mini break. That pastime proved to be successful and then I moved on to professional makeup artistry. What started as a passion filled diversion went on to be a fruitful business. I left my mortgage job and followed my heart - I had survived!

I found closure where there was pain and wounds. For any woman who thinks she can't make it on her own, don't let that be the reason for choosing a life of unhappiness. You never know what you can accomplish until you try. I, too was weak, naive, afraid and confused about raising a child on my own. However, with time, I learned it is possible to live on a single paycheck while managing to maintain my fashionista ways. And, by leaving a partner I wasn't compatible with at the time, set a good example for my son and allowed me to take my new found freedom as a chance to re-discover my true self and create a life worth living rather than staying in a fated relationship. There are unique and not so unique things about being a single mom, and I know hearing from others who had been there, done that, really helped. Having pen & paper to vent whatever I wanted helped too. Best therapy ever!
Fast forward years later…

Joe (baby daddy) and I are back as a team. As one. We sought after advice from our closest friends & family and have planned a life for ourselves. God, our son and love brought us back together. He gained a fresh respect for me and me for him. I thank him for not holding me back before and he thanks me for not giving up on him… our little boy couldn’t be happier! The only downside to this triumphant saga is that Joe travels a lot for work and is away 75% of the time… So I’m back to fulltime mommy duties. I now know what Michelle Obama meant to say… her husband is a pretty busy guy (obviously) so she has to do a lot of the parenting herself. There are a lot of “sometimes single” parents out there that do share a lot of the same challenges as “fulltime single” parents. It’s a hard route for either circumstance - I've endured both.

Jun 9, 2014

Put Your Brave On!

Last month for Mother’s Day I was challenged to “Put my brave on!”  Fellowship Church guest speaker, Hope Adams, gave a wonderful message about  discovering that when we put our brave on, we discover a key to unlocking the life God wants us all to experience. This message was convicting.  As I mentioned  in my blog post, Run Your Own Race, I revealed that I have been guilty of comparing myself to others.  I have battled insecurities and self doubt all my life.  I never wanted to confess this out loud because that would make me weak and I never wanted to be portrayed as weak.  I have since realized that I’m not the only one that feels this way.  I was able to grasp this by attending Flavour Sisterhood, which is a venue for women to gather and grow in their relationship with Christ and with other sisters.  I realized here that I didn’t have to pretend I had it all together.  It was so freeing to know that I was not the only one feeling the way I was feeling.  I was sitting in a room with other women who were battling the same battles. I can’t tell you how much Flavour helped me.  Showing weakness and sharing my problems was not my thing, but here in this room, I was able to laugh, cry, share my high and low points and find comfort within other women. 

Getting my brave is not in my comfort zone.  For some people it seems to come so easy.  I use to find myself thinking, “I wish I wasn’t so shy.  I wish I was more confident.  I wish I could speak in front of a large group of people.  I wish I wasn’t so easily intimated.  I wish I didn’t care what other people think.”  As my relationship with Christ has become stronger, I have gained this realization that I can’t do it all. And that’s OK.  And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 I’ve read this verse so many times and knew I needed to start sharing my weakness, but my pride wouldn’t let me.  I must say, it feels liberating to share my weakness and be OK with it – and the reason I’m OK with that, is because I know you are reading this thinking, “That’s exactly how I feel.”  You and I are relating in our weakness and that’s comforting.  Today I know more than ever that God has a bigger purpose for my life.  And that purpose does not include being the girl with the prettiest smile or the best body, or even the girl with the car that no one else can afford.  That’s not what I’m here for and that’s not what I’m aiming for (even though at times I wish I had that). I am here to share His good news through my life.

I hope you have some time to watch this message from Hope Adams.  After you watch it, I want you to (A) do something this week where you put your brave on and (2) leave a comment down below sharing how you have stepped out of your comfort zone.  I will be doing a giveaway of this awesome shirt that says, “Put your brave on” to the best story of bravery.  I will follow up with the winner on sizing and delivery.  Let’s be brave!


Jun 4, 2014

Home Improvement: Chandelier

I've been obsessed with Sia's new song, Chandelier since it first came out. I would be lying if I said her song motivated me to get a new chandelier for my dining room – it didn't. When we first moved into our home 2 years ago, my mom said, "You are going to have to get rid of that chandelier and get something beautiful." She was right. The chandelier that came with the home was ugly and broken. However, getting a new chandelier was at the bottom of my list. There were so many other things that came first. Chris and I actually bought a chandelier around this time last year but returned it because we weren't completely happy with the one we purchased. My mom found one at a garage sale and bought it for us, but to tell you the truth it's still in my garage collecting dust. It wasn't anything great, but it was better than what we had, yet we didn't make an initiative to put it up. I think getting the floors done this year really motivated us to get rid of that unattractive chandelier that hung over our dining room table. We finally found a chandelier that was nice but didn't break the bank and I'm pretty happy about that.

This one upgrade made a vast improvement in our formal dining area. You can find it here. We normally only eat in this area on holidays or when we have parties at our house, otherwise, we eat in our kitchen table.  On another note, I'm excited to showcase what my husband and I have been working on in other areas of our home.  I'm hoping to have it all completed by next week.  Hint:  We made our second big home investment.  I can't wait to share!!!

Oh and if you haven't heard Sia's new song, "Chandelier", I recommend you check it out here. You'll love it!


Jun 1, 2014

Dream Come True

One of my dreams was to have a daughter who would follow in my dancing footsteps. This dream has come true. This weekend my daughter performed at her first dance recital which was a dream come true for me. As I was putting on her makeup, I told my daughter, "Mommy always dreamed to have a beautiful baby like you who would dance like mommy did. Mommy's dream came true and I'm so happy to be able to be here and share this moment with you." I know she doesn't get it, but I hope she remembers the joy she gave me. I was full of emotions as I saw her up on that big stage dancing her little dance. That moment has been treasured in my heart and mind and I will never forget it.

I wanted to share a poem called, "If I should have a daughter…" by Sarah Kay which I watched on TED TV recently. For anyone that has a daughter, or is hoping to have a daughter one day, you will LOVE this poem. Click here to check it out on TED TV. In many moments I feel so proud to be a mother to such a smart and courageous little girl. Hearing this poem only makes me think of her life; the moments I fear but also the moments I look forward to.

Sarah Kay

Mia Alessandra, my precious little goosie, I love you always and forever. One day you will look back on this blog I have created and I hope you get inspired and know that you can do whatever your little heart desires. With God all things are possible and I will always be here to support you with whatever you decide to do. Be strong! Be courageous! I love you more and more each day. Love Mommy xoxo