Mar 24, 2013

The Sign

So, over a month ago I wrote my first entry.  I didn't share that posting with anyone, probably because of my insecurities. This blog has been on my mind a lot in the last several days.  I felt God talking to me, on the inside, asking me "um, where did all your motivation go....where did all that talk go?  Why are you falling behind on your passion?"  As much as I feel I have grown, I still lack the confidence to really just put my passion out there. 

Today was just another Sunday.  I was heading to Target with baby girl and I promise you that I had this blog on my mind.  I kept thinking, oh, I don't know about the title name, I don't really know how to set this blog up........I really don't know what people will think, I don't even know if people will want to read it.....on and on and on.  Then I got to Target, and what do ya know...I get a tweet.  I'm so thankful for that tweet from Monica b/c it was literally God's kick to my butt.  I only shared my attempt to start a blog to a handful of people and Monica was one of them.  She sent me a tweet saying, "Are you still working on your blog?"  I just stood still at that moment and I smiled.  I knew this was God's sign. 

So here I am, I'm working on setting this blog up, so please be patient with me as I get all organized.  I feel awful for putting this off over and over, but what matters is I'm here now and I know more than ever, I'm meant to do this. :)


  1. I cant wait to read your blog. Your such a amazing and creative person! Good Luck!


  2. Aw, thanks Phil!!! That means alot. Thanks for supporting me in all these things I get myself into. You are such a good person and friend.

  3. Can't wait to see what awaits within your blog. I dont doubt you'll get those creative juices flowing. I'm reading your blog and I'm all smiles! You are going to do wonderful and once again, don't ever doubt your potential. You were meant to inspire others. You inspired me :)

  4. Thanks Friend. I'm really thankful for that tweet yesterday. Thanks for the motivation and the support. I'm so thankful to have friends like you.
