Mar 26, 2015

All Things Co.

Eight months ago, I left some of you in suspense.  I was about to embark on something very special.  Unfortunately, my bad habit of procrastinating kicked in along with self-doubt and my dream stayed closed in a box – literally.  I was inspired in the summer of 2014 to start my own T-shirt Company.  I was so gung-ho at first, which happens to me with everything.  Somewhere along all the hype, the excitement fizzled, but only because I started second guessing myself.  How the heck am I going do this? Where am I going to get the money to get this all started?  I don’t know the first thing about running a business.”  After all that negativity consumed me, All Things Co. came to a halt.

I’ve been reading Mark Batterson’s The Circle Maker 40 Day Prayer Challenge.  This book has breathed new life into me.  It has sparked the desire to follow through on the dream God placed into my heart.

It is now with great excitement that I announce All Things Co. WILL launch this year.  Before my website goes live, I wanted to share with you how the name came to be.

I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens Me. – Philippians 4:13

And we know that in ALL THINGS, God works for good for those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

It felt right to name my T-shirt line ALL THINGS after these two important versus.  After all, they have gotten me through some of the highest and lowest times in my life.  This line of motivational wear will serve as an approach to spread the message of hope, faith and love into this world.  These shirts will express all the things that are important to me from my faith, to expressing my love of being a woman, to my culture, to all things in-between. 

Stayed tuned, I’ll be revealing my company logo soon. 

To close, I’m leaving you with what helped me reignite the fire for this dream.  I hope it does the same for you.

From “Draw the Circle 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson”

You’ll never be ready.  You’ll never be ready to start a business or go back to school or move to the mission field.  You’ll never be ready financially, emotionally, or spiritually.  You’ll never have enough faith, enough cash, or enough courage.  And if you are looking for an excuse, you will always find one.  I never been, and I’m sure I never will be, ready for anything God has called me to do.  And that’s OK.  God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.  If you wait until you are ready, you will be waiting for the rest of your life.

What’s the first step or next step you need to take in your journey?  If you take the first step, God will reveal the second step.  The problem is that most of us want the 25 year plan before we’re willing to step out in faith.  We want to know exactly where we’re going and exactly when we’ll get there, but God doesn’t operate that way.  He gives us just enough revelation, just enough grace, just enough strength.  Why?  So we will live in daily dependence on Him.  Sometimes there are moments in life when you need to quit a job, make a move, or end a dating relationship.  And you need to take that step without knowing what the next step will be. 

Faith is not faith until it is acted on.


  1. It's like I've been saying these words all along but I never knew what they meant. I thought it was me being spontaneous and taking risks. Beautifully written! Mark Batterson is correct when he says, "He qualifies the called." I am so excited for your launch and I'll be the first to ask for a Frida shirt and a Tee that reads my words, "Latinas on the prowl". Congrats, amiga!!! Lots of xoxo's!!

  2. Thank you for your support. It means a lot. Thank you.

  3. I'm so happy you are taking this step. When I decided to go independent, I had only a couple hundred dollars saved and I whole lot of doubt. Doubt of not being good enough, of having two children who depended on me and not being successful. I said if it's God's will I will succeed and if it's not time at least I tried and I will go back to where I was before. Luckily for me, it was God's will. You have a certain spark Vickie, that fight in you. Don't allow the doubt to dull that fire in you. I can't wait to see the outcome! Congratulations ♡♡♡
