Jan 2, 2014

Long to Lob

I made a big decision right before 2013 ended which was to yes (gasp) chop my hair off.  This was a very big deal as I had long hair since high school (that’s over 10 years).  And while I cut inches here and there and even experimented with bangs, ombre and balayage the last couple of years, I was ready for something different.  

Here is a before pic from this Christmas and the after pic.  I really thought that I was going to freak out, maybe even possibly hate it, but having a stylist and colorist that I trust and have seen me for years, I knew I would be in good hands.  I attempted to wait until my birthday, which is this month, but I knew if I didn’t schedule it sooner, I would chicken out, as I did the last time I had this idea in my head.

Before cutting my hair, I researched different styles and looked at every picture I could to determine what style and color I wanted.  Some people may find this foolish, but I would get so nervous sometimes even looking at short hair styles.  I knew I wanted a change, but part of me didn’t want to let go of my hair security.  Long hair is what almost every girl wants and yes, it looks absolutely beautiful.  It is said to be a man’s wish to have a woman with long hair.  Those thoughts became my insecurities.  Will I still feel pretty with short hair?  Will my husband still find me attractive?   Will I look better or worse?  Will I regret this decision?  Those questions swirled around my head.

I tossed the idea back and forth and even questioned myself if I was ready or if it was just another one of my sudden thoughts and then I read two things.  The first was from a high school friend who commented on a picture on Instagram I posted about wanting to cut my hair.  She said, “You know what Vick, if you really want it like that, just do it.  What the heck, it’s just hair.  It’ll grow back.  Before I had chemo and all my hair came off, my hair was so long and pretty.  I wanted to cut it, but was too chicken.  What if it doesn’t look good or what if it takes too long to grow back?  So now that my hair is short, I don’t know why I was iffy about my hair.  It grows back and it’s just hair.  I’m enjoying it at short as it is and as it’s growing.  So don’t worry.  Change is good.” That motivated me on a whole different level.  It really affirmed my decision and made me take a step back.  Hair is just hair.  I need to make a change and I need to step out of my comfort zone.  My hair doesn’t define me; it’s what’s on the inside.  Yes, as cliché as it sounds and is - it’s the truth. 
During my web search of different hairstyles, I noticed several celebrities had done the big chop including Adrienne Bailon, who at first, I have to admit, I didn’t like with short hair, but seeing her now, I think it suits her so well.  I read an article that she did with Cosmopolitan where she gave her reason for cutting her hair and I loved it and I see it as the cherry that topped my decision.  “It took me years to cut my hair, although anyone who knows me can tell you that I've always said that I would one day make the big chop. I know short hair isn't something you typically see often with Latinas, but I didn't care — I'm turning 30 this year! I feel very fearless in the sense that it's just hair. Now that it's done, I've never been happier. It's a lot less maintenance so I can just get up, throw some product in it, and go. I love that my short do makes an outfit that could have been very "pretty girl" look edgy and fun. I feel like this style is a lot more chic and fashion forward. Try a short do, ladies. I think you'll love it.”

I’m turning 30 this year as well – actually in a couple of weeks.  I have always heard that your 30s are the best time, and I truly believe I am now coming into my own, loving myself and knowing what I want in life.  It’s been a long time coming, but I think this haircut is just an outward expression of an inward fulfillment.  I am about to have a fearless year and I think my hair represents just that! 

“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” ― Taylor Swift

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