Aug 19, 2013

Gentlewoman, Nayra Guerrero

Here lately, I have had people say to me, “Vickie, you have inspired me.” – mostly from women, and I can’t tell you how good that feels.  I will have to say, most of my motivation, my passion comes from God, but there is a lot that comes from other people.  I wanted to dedicate these next few blogs to those women, those friends, who have inspired me in many ways, even if they didn’t know it.  Seeing other people reach for their goals, seeing them make a difference is extraordinary, especially when these women are everyday women like you and I.  I had this idea come to me last week and so I went for it and asked Nayra Guerrero, aspiring fashion designer and friend to take part in my blog and she agreed. 

I did want to begin by saying Nayra has been such an inspiration to me.  I see her dedication, I see the advancement she has made in such a short period of time.  We share a love for clothes and similar things, but I think what sets Nayra apart from most people I know is that she is such a go getter and she is very genuine.  What you see is what you get and there is no fabrication in her smile.  You would be able to make her out in a crowd because she doesn’t like to blend in.  Her laugh is contagious and her clothes are slick.  So get to know her a little better.  I hope you get inspired along the way.

gen·tle·wom·ann.1. A woman of gentle or noble birth or superior social position. (Our Father is of the most high, so I think that makes us all Gentlewomen)
2. A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior. (Okay, now we don’t always act proper – there is room for fun, but we strive to be a well-mannered and considerate woman with the most HIGH standards.)

Interview with Nayra Guerrero

1. For those people that don't know you, can you tell me a little about yourself? Well my name is Nayra.  I’m a fashion designer and I happen to love my name.  I was born in Monterrey, NL Mexico, but I was raised in the United States.  I am very proud and claim to be 100% Mexican.  I am 28 years old and I’m a middle child and a Libra, so being weird and crazy comes with the
territory.  I’m not afraid to be different or stand out.  I don’t do it for attention.  I just HATE being like
everyone else.  Last but not least, I’m on my path of becoming a mamasita! Haha.

2. You are such a fashionista - who or what inspired you? When I was going to school,my family was on a budget, so I had to be creative with what little we could buy.  Survival of the fashion for school is just another way to show off.  I didn’t mind not having the best, but I did pride myself in having that one piece of clothing that no one else had.  My mother was my greatest support, as she would help me with sowing since I didn’t know how.  Getting creative was just a rush for me.
3. How do you stay motivated to keep reaching for your dreams? It’s always hard to keep going and I’m not going to lie, there have been times where I have doubted myself and felt like giving up. Every time that has happened, someone comes to me with an opportunity, as if the universe puts it back in my life. So I take that as a sign and I just keep on trucking.  I take it like a marriage – you have to want and love with all your heart to keep that dream alive and pumping.  Pretty much, my fantasy keeps me going and reality keeps me grounded.

4. You are about to become a mother, what are you most excited/scared about? Yes, I am and I feel super blessed.  I wouldn’t call it scared, it’s more of a never ending worried feeling that I just can’t get rid of.  There are a million things that could go wrong, but I have to stay positive.  All I know is that I can’t wait to hold him (Yes, it’s a boy), sports, school and our first dates.  I am very impatient, so the anxiety is killing me.  Mom always told me, “Los hijos son prestados, nunca se sabe cuando la vida nos lo quite.  Por eso hay que saber disfrutarlos!”  Best advice ever.
5.What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Well besides the one my mom told me, I would have to say something another designer once told me at a fashion show, “Never lose who you are.  If someone tries to tell you different, don’t listen.  You are the only reason why you are here.”  It was genuine and it has stayed with me.

6.What do you think women in our generation need to hear? I would have to say that instead of fighting and competing with each other, let’s help each other.  Help me help you.  Men do it, so why can’t we?  Life is a game.  You just have to know what cards to use.  Also, don’t rely on your beauty, that will eventually fade. The essence of a woman is what makes us immortal.

7. If you could pick only one women (living or dead) to meet who would it be and why? I really can’t think of anyone at the moment that I would choose except my mom.  She brings me peace, wisdom, love and a little bit of everything in between.

8.What are your dreams? My dreams are to be a great mom, or the best I can be at least.  Then I would have to say having a studio of my own where I can let my creativity loose.  Being my own boss, making my name a brand, not just in clothing, but I want to inspire or make a difference in someone’s life.  I want to be a role model, not just a designer.  If I can accomplish my dreams by being single with a kid, I think any other woman has the opportunity to do it as well.  Dream big, even if you are crawling to the top, at least you’re not standing still.

9.What have you done to pursue your dreams? I have done fashion shows, I’ve been in boutiques and I freelance.  It is hard, but like I said, you have to want it and want it bad to keep doing it.  I’m one step closer than yesterday,even if I sewed only one thing.  This will be my second time going to NTFW (New York Fashion Week).  I’m pretty excited, but it is a big risk.  I can come out empty handed, but I go with my hopes and dreams.  A positive mind always helps.

10.What is the biggest lesson you have learned? My biggest lesson that I’ve learned on
my own would have to be that no one is going to do anything for you.  Only you can make or break YOU.  I’ve been knocked down too many times to not know how to get back up one more time.  Recently and I mean recently, I have chosen to make a life and people can live in it if they choose to.  I keep God with me always, forever and a day. My daily prayer to his is, “Thank my health and my baby’s health.  Always provide me with strength, wisdom and love.  Amen.”

Nayra is on her way to her second trip to New York for fashion week and she's pregnant! She's not letting anything stop her!  In fact, I think her maternal instincts have kicked in and it's only making her that much more stronger in her attempt to realize her dreams.  Visit her blog, follow her on Instagram and like her FB updates.  I promise, you'll love her just as much as I do.

Nayra on Twitter
Nayra on Facebook


  1. OH my gosh she is precious! I'm heading to her blog now!

  2. Awww ...I love Nayra! I can't wait to see what's in store for her...I wish her the best, big things and a smooth delivery :-)
