Aug 20, 2013

Gentlewoman, Rita Mireles

I’ve got double dose of Gentlewomen for you today.  My third Gentlewoman, Rita Mireles, is my sister in law – hence, the same last name. Rita is a furniture transformer extraordinaire.   She is also the genius behind the blog, "Curbside Creations". She is married to my husband’s brother and is by far one of my favorite people on this Earth.  Rita has been a BIG inspiration to me.  I have witnessed her journey of her blog, Curbside Creations, and her transformations from desks, chairs and other marvelous furniture pieces that have found a new light through her work.  Rita is one of the main reasons why I decided to start my blog.  As most of you know from reading my entries, I was very skeptical always finding reasons NOT to go through with my blog.  The moment I told Rita I wanted to start my blog, she took charge, took me to Starbucks and showed me the ropes of the blogging world.  She encouraged me and motivated me and for that I’m forever grateful. 

Rita’s story of having her grandparent’s raise her, becoming a mother at a fairly young age and experiencing the turbulence of young love is very inspiring.  She overcame the adversity and if you have the privilege to meet her, you would never think that her life at one point was not sprinkles and cupcakes.  She is VERY positive, very sweet and she made me cry on Christmas Day when she bought me my Joel Osteen “Everyday a Friday” journal.  (She plays close attention.)  I love her very much and I hope you find something you can relate to in her story. 

Interview with Rita Mireles

1.  For those that don’t know you, can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Hi, I’m Rita and I’m Vickie’s sister-in-law. I have a little blog called “Curbside Creations” about furniture I transform from its down trodden state to something spectacular! (at least in my eyes anyway) I’m also a mom to two teen age girls and I am married to my high school sweetheart.

2.  What was the hardest part of growing up? Oh gosh where do I start without writing a novel? I was raised by my grandparents. My mom had me when she was young and I met my dad when I was 16. I never saw anything as hard nor ever felt that we were broke because we weren’t. We got by on what we had and I learned later in life how hard it must have been for my grandparents. Don’t get me wrong, my mom lived with us too, but for the most part, my grandma raised me.   I never felt that I missed out on anything but the hardest moment that I can remember was meeting my dad for the first time and him coming in the house, saying hello and walking away for the second time in my life. I never knew the feeling of someone not caring about me until that moment.

3.  You became a mother at a fairly young age.  What was the hardest part of being a young mom? The hardest part for me being a young mom was growing up! I was nineteen when I had Ashley. I was so gung ho and knew this girl was going to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn’t know however that I had growing up to do, my husband had growing up to do, and all while watching our little girl grow up…ALL AT THE SAME TIME.  That was hard! In fact I told Sammy the other day after learning our friend is expecting his first child “can you imagine having a baby right now??!!” I think we both had a frightened look on our face! Then I said “it’s not like having a baby when you’re young, you think you can do it all when you don’t know any better, haha”

4.  How do you feel you have changed over the last 10 years? I’ve learned so much. I know the way I want to live, the person I want to be, the way I want my children to see me so they can live their lives knowing I’m always on their side. I think before, I was so intimidated by stupid obstacles and road bumps in life in general. After pushing through those road blocks, you learn quickly how tough you really are. I just told Ashley yesterday, the only one holding you back is you!

5.  You were the one that got me to start “couponing”.  Can you give my readers a recap of your couponing story? Ha, this is a funny one.  So, about seven years ago Sammy and I split for a year. It was the worst and best year of my life. I know people always say that, but it took me a few years to see it is true. I learned so much about myself and how to be a mom without having Sammy there. That was hard! I remember at one point within that year I realized “oh my gosh, I’m a single mom, I’m trying to raise two girls by myself and I’m broke”.  Commence cutting coupons. That’s when it started and I quickly learned there was a science to it. I can remember Sammy coming to the house to pick up the girls one time and a receipt was on the counter. He looked at it and cried. Then he looked at me and said “you did this?” I think that’s when it dawned on him that I could do THIS by myself! And I was pretty proud of myself too.

6.  You have a blog titled, “Curbside Creations”, can you tell me a little bit about your blog and how you came up with that name? Sammy actually dubbed the name “Curbside Creations”. My blog happened when we moved to our fist house and I didn’t have a lot of furniture. My first transformation was a side table I found on the side of a road and fell in love with it. I took it home, cleaned it and painted it. It was perfect! The kids were mortified of course and when I started to bring more and more stuff home, I’d share the before and after photos with my mom and sisters.  The blog was easier than constantly sending photos and since I didn’t have a name for it, Sammy said I should call it ‘Curbside Creations’ because I got all my “junk” from the curbs. The name stuck and it’s now registered!! Now I constantly post my newest transformations and awesome vintage finds I pick up!

7.   What do you think women in our generation need to hear? Oh that’s an easy one “BE YOU”. I tell my girls that every day. I have two girls that are COMPLETELY opposite. One likes rainbows and everything girly and the other likes dark, scary, morbid things. And you know what? I love that about both of them. They are who they are. The one thing that will always separate you from the rest of the crowd is your individuality…your uniquity! There is only one YOU in the world so be proud of yourself and promote that difference!

8. You have two daughters, what advice do you give them about their future, marriage and growing up? Just to live life the best they can. Don’t be afraid of the future and change. There will always be the bad seasons but the way you make it through is by putting on your rainbow colored glasses and look at it as a learning experience and grow from that. It’s all in how you see things J

9.  What are your dreams? My dreams are simple…well besides being thin again haha! I’d love to one day have my own shop and not have to work 9-5. I have a daughter that has depression so insurance is a must, so I don’t know how much reality is in that dream.  It’s a struggle but a dream nonetheless.  And of course to see my girls be the wonderful women that I know they will be. I love those girls so much. Told you…simple.

10. Who inspires you and why? I’m inspired by so many “everyday” women that are doing what they are called to do. I love to read stories of people who found their calling by simple everyday accidents! But not only the people who are doing amazing things as a career choice but those who do things for more “non-thankful  jobs” as well. For example: animal rescuers, wonderful Step-parents, etc.

11. What are you most proud of? Wow how do I say this without sounding so stuck on myself because I’m so not. I’m proud of my life, my girls, my husband and myself.  We’ve overcome lots of obstacles in our lives…again, a novel, but we made it through and continue to defeat odds.  In particular for myself, I’m proud that even though I didn’t go to college, life lessons  gave me the experiences I’ve used to  teach my children from. We are not perfect but we manage and if it takes me saying “make your own sunshine” until I’m blue in the face, I will, because that what life is about for me. Making my own sunshine.

“You should never live for the circumstances of today, but the possibilities of tomorrow." -   Oprah Winfrey

Please visit Rita's blog, "Curbside Creations" at

Rita sells some of her stuff on ETSY so please visit her site on there as well.  


  1. Love you as well!!! Thanks for everything Rita!

  2. what a great interview- i just love rita and she lives her advice of "be you".

    1. thank you for commenting!! I was so happy just to be interviewed!!(and writing about myself...what can I say:)

  3. I've been a huge fan of Rita's since first 'meeting' her through the blog. How neat to learn more about her. She is such an inspiration! Great blog you have going here! I enjoyed all your interviews, and I think this is such a neat concept. I love hearing about strong, women who push themselves and go for it! Nice to 'meet' you! Deb

    1. Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. :)

    2. thanks Deb for always being so sweet!! and you'd love Vickie's blog she is VERY inspirational herslef!!

  4. Vickie, thank you for sharing Rita on your blog with us. I can relate myself with her on many levels. Rita, your creativity just gave me a spark to start back up with my own art. Love the positivity flowing! :)

  5. OH my goodness!! YES start that creativity up again and always depend on us girls to get you motivated!!
