Apr 15, 2013

Magical Relationships

Day 3

This day involves relationships and how much they should mean to all of us.  Without friends, family, partners, coworkers, children, we would have no relationships.  Think about it.  When something good happens, who do you go to?  Vice versa when something bad happens?  This world wouldn't be worth living in if there wasn't someone to share it with.  

Being grateful for our relationships is key in making life happier.  Gratitude towards our relationships makes our relationships better.  Instead of looking at what's wrong with a person, it's best to look at what's right.  

I totally agree with Rhonda that our words are powerful.  When we complain about any person, we actually end up harming ourselves.  Whatever you think or say about another person will come back to you.

Today we must think of 3 relationships and be grateful for these people just as they are.  Choose 3 of your closest relationships (your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends,etc) and get a photo of them.  Once you have your three special people and their photographs, you are to sit down and think about the things you are the most grateful for about each person.  What are their best qualities?  What do you love most about them?  List five things for each person that you are most grateful for.

Thank you, _______________, for _________________.

Don't forget to make another list of 10 things you are grateful for as well as practicing the Magic Rock tonight. :)

I wanted to include my 3 special relationships that I wrote last year on April 18, 2012.  Almost exactly one year ago.

One of the most important relationships I have is with my husband.  No one knows me better, loves me more than him.

  1. Thank you Chris for loving me flaws and all.
  2. Thank you Chris for being so patient with me, even when I don’t deserve it.
  3. Thank you Chris for making me happy every chance you get.
  4. Thank you Chris for packing my lunch every morning and letting me workout in the evenings.
  5. Thank you Chris for giving me the gift of becoming a mother to the most beautiful little girl in the world.
(Ush! - Is this exercise supposed to make you cry? - Cause I’m getting the water works)
My next most valued relationship is the one I have with my daughter.  I know she’s only 4 years old, but this little girl has my heart.  She has my heart wrapped up all over her soul.  The bond you have with your child is one that can not be replaced or expressed with words.

  1. Thank you Mia for the joy you have brought into my life.
  2. Thank you Mia for the kisses and hugs you give me everyday.
  3. Thank you Mia for showing me that I did not only find true love with your Dad, but with you as well. 
  4. Thank you Mia for coming into my life when I needed you the most.  You helped put my life into new perspective.
  5. Thank you Mia for making me such a proud Mommy.  You listen, you care, you sing and dance, you’re funny and sweet and you are everything I ever hoped for.
I debated over my third relationship between this person and my parents, but this person actually seemed to come on top.  I have a special relationship with this chick b/c she is my sister.  She was my friend since birth and only her and I can take things back - way back.  We may not be the same in every aspect, but we share the sister bond and that can never be taken away.  A sister is a friend forever.

  1. Thank you Angie for being my friend/sister since birth.  Our relationship means alot to me.
  2. Thank you Angie for always being there to listen to me when I was too embarrassed to share something with a friend or Mom.  We could always have “our little secrets”.
  3. Thank you Angie for being such a fun sister.  I always wanted to be like you when I was little and it seems like most things you loved, well I feel in love with them too.  (Shakirrrrraaaaaaa)
  4. Thank you Angie, for forgiving me when I wasn't the best sister/aunt.  I hope I have repaid you immensely for that time period.
  5. Thank you Angie, for all the fun times we had.  Both when we were little and as we got older.  I always had a friend with you.  Always someone to play with, go shopping with, vent to, or just have a great dancing night. 

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