Apr 12, 2013


Last year I grabbed a hold of the book called, “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne.  I read reviews of people saying this book had changed their lives -  28 days later, it changed mine.  There’s one word, one feeling, that brings everything into place.  Gratitude.  Rhonda believes if you practice gratitude, the force will accelerate the magic in your life.  What you give you receive, equally.  If you increase your gratitude, the results of your life will be equal to your feeling.

The Magic is a 28 day journey with magical practices designed to help a person learn how to use gratitude as a power to changing their life.  It’s been almost a year since I took this 28 day journey, and I thought it would be a good idea to go through it again, share every day’s task with you and hope that you take part of this journey.  I PROMISE you this: Your life will change!  If you take this seriously, it will.  I believe that wholeheartedly. When I started the Magic in April of 2012, I wrote down my dreams.  28 days later one of those dreams became reality.  I believe the more you dedicate to practicing gratitude, the more you will receive. 

To begin this journey, you have to think about your dreams.  Think about what you really want in life.  Relationships, career, finances, health and anything you want to change can be in your dream thoughts.  There is no dream too big.  When you put your dreams into thoughts, your thoughts become energy.  Gratitude will help these dreams become reality.

Day 1: Count Your Blessings 

Counting your blessings is one of the most powerful practices you can ever do.  When you are grateful for things, you will see those things increase.  When we complain or criticize we are doing the exact opposite and we end up pushing away our relationships, money, jobs, etc.

 Better to lose count while naming your blessings, than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.” – Maltbie Babcock 

Today’s task consists of counting your blessings.  You will make a list of 10 things you are grateful for.  It is also important to write why you are thankful. Ex.  I am truly blessed to have _____________, because ______________.  I am so happy and grateful for _______________, because ________________________.  

When you are done with your list, go back and read your list.  After reading each thing you are grateful for, say thank you three times. (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you)  This task will continue everyday for the next 27 days.  Add 10 more things each day to your list.  You can type these in your phone, carry a journal or type them up on your computer.  Don’t get discouraged.  There is so much to be grateful for: Earth, your home, your job, your health, your spouse, your children, your hearing, the clothes you have on.   


  1. How wonderful! Thank you once again for sharing that book. It's been life changing all around. :)

  2. Oh...I'm getting so impatient...I'm still in Everyday is Friday....and I'll be honest, I sneaked a peak at the purpose driven life. Then shortly realized it's not a sneak peaking kind of book. So I'll start my list and that should motivate me to finish the E.I.F book.... :-)
