Apr 24, 2013

1 month

So today marks the one month anniversary of me going public with my blog. I started this blog with doubts and insecurities but in just one month I have seen and felt more emotions and strength by pursuing my passion than I have in the last year. I hope this doesn't sound annoying but I am really proud of myself.

I feel like I'm on the right track in following God's plans for myself. I got out of the way and I allowed myself to just go. I would be lying if i said I didn't doubt my work at times or wonder what others think, but honestly  it is slowly fizzling away. I'm a work in progress. Some days are easier than others, but I truly believe surrounding ourselves with our passion, great support, great friends, family and God are keys to success. I'm on my pursuit of happiness and I have to say I'm already feeling stronger, healthier, wiser and fulfilled. I can only imagine how much greater I will feel as I continue to follow His plan for me.

Thank you for everyone who has taken the time to follow me on this journey. I am truly grateful and appreciative of your support, your kind words and your motivation. I use to feel alone in this world, but I have found there are a few of you who are just like me. Even if your not like me, there is something in us that we all can relate in - a special bond.

I pray you find motivation in my words, hope in my stories, and inspiration to pursue your dreams.

I have been on this journey for about 3 years now and it took me this long to start this blog. I've made so many changes in my life over this time period - it didn't just happen over night. My first step was returning to my first love - God. Once I had this relationship back on track, everything started changing for the better. I can't say my life was horrible - it wasn't, but something was missing. I never lost my faith, I just slowly stopped my relationship. I found myself only turning to God when something was wrong. In September 2011 is when I started going back to church and when I got my hands on "Everyday a Friday" by Joel Osteen. That book changed my perspective on life and I continue to use those teachings to this day. I've always had a passion for reading, but right after I read that book I found myself so eager to get my hands on any and every positive book I could find. I was addicted in learning new ways to improve the way I think, feel and act. Every book that I've read, every sermon that I've heard, every episode of Joel Osteen that I've seen has lead me to where I am now. It's been years of finding myself, loving myself, and improving myself. I still don't feel that I'm finished. I'm constantly searching new ways to be positive and grateful.

So thank you again for following me on this journey. I am truly grateful - truly, truly, truly.


  1. Congratulations! You deserve to be proud of yourself and everything you have accomplished! I get much joy from reading your blog and a lot of the time you blog about things I'm having issues with at the moment....so thanks :-)

  2. Thank you Pearl. You have been one of my biggest supporters and I'm truly grateful. :)
